Today, my friends, I wish Ireland all the best in the referendum on enshrining same-sex marriages within law. I’m sure as readers who’ve been with the comic for a few years know, I’m a keen supporter of equal rights for sexual orientation (among many other things) – everyone should be free to pursue love and happiness! While I believe a vote in this instance isn’t necessarily the best way to go about achieving this goal, I really hope that when the counts are in, Ireland will have shown itself to truly be a forward-thinking, modern society that puts the happiness and wellbeing of its citizens above all else. Fingers crossed!
Posts Tagged sexuality
This page was actually quite difficult to do: Not so much because of the content, but because I had to scrutinize every single detail of the art to make sure I was giving the moment the right amount of gravity. One off-model character, one goofy expression, one inappropriate sound effect, and the scene transforms from a traumatic explosion of aggression to a narm-tastic trivialisation of a threat faced by far too many.
It was particularly difficult to get the characters’ expressions right. the most-straightforward was probably Shanna in panel 6, mostly because her face is mostly covered by her hand and her eye just needed to be wide-open in shock. Fliss’ expression in panel 5 was by and far the most difficult one I’ve ever had to compose. The face is a hugely versatile and complex social tool, and even the subtlest modification in the positioning of any of those features can completely change the emotion that we’re representing. In this panel, I wanted to show not just shock, but also physical pain, sadness, fear and betrayal. I can’t tell you how many revisions I made to the pencils on that panel, because nothing I was drawing seemed to do the trick. Eventually, I had to give up and move on to complete the rest of the page before coming back to it and experimenting more until I finally found the combination I felt conveyed how Fliss felt following this unprovoked assault.
Ahoy thar all, as it’s now pushing 2AM as I pre-post this page, instead of trying to philosophize or get riled up about something, I’m going to share one of my recipes with you! If you try it, let me know how it goes 😀 It’s one of my favourites.
Chorizo Stew
1x Ring Chorizo
1x Can Chopped Tomatoes
1 Can Butterbeans
1x Large White Onion
1/2 Halloumi Cheese
1/2 doz Chestnut Mushrooms
1x Beef Stock Cube (Or equivalent stock: 500ml worth)
1x small green chilli
1 clove garlic
1 tbsp dried oregano
1 tbsp dried basil
Salt & Pepper for seasoning
Well, as Kracka requested and as I promised, I had a root around my hard drive and found some stuff from days of yore, before I started doing Elf Blood. I’ve spared you some absolute horrors, but what I did wasn’t exactly brilliant before getting in the practice from doing Elf Blood. So, y’know, go easy on it 😛
Go on, have a gander, you know you want to!
Did I fool you puny humans? Did I? Did I?
You honestly thought that Flesh Manson could write such eloquent blog posts? No, it was all my work! MY WORK!
Truly a victory for scheduling bots everywhere. Oh, you want to know where Flesh Manson was? He’s been at some form of human social event over the last week. You know, SELECT * FROM person1 UNION SELECT * FROM person2. I think he called it a ‘weeding’. I don’t understand, what does the joining of two human units into a singular familial unit have to do with errant plant growth?
Now, I’m sure many of you are wondering what direction I’m going to take this in, or even what the hell I’m doing putting this storyline in, in the middle of SKO’s quest to avenge the murders of Charlie-3.
The B-Story is not only a method by which we can extend primary plots (although Dreamland needed very little stretching if I’m honest), it gives us breathers, refreshes our interest in the story as a whole, and more importantly, lets us explore the lives and personalities of characters tangential or unrelated to the main story. Character development, in other words.
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