Hola all, this is just a quick and dirty post as it’s now 0209 and I have to get up in less than four hours for work. I’ll update the rant later on today, as I do have something prepared, just not the time to type it right now!
Enjoy today’s page!
Apologies for not including some text on Friday itself, but as indicated it was rather late and I needed the sleep!
All throughout last week, my mood has been dropping quite considerably. And as always, the cause is the same: I start thinking about how lonely I actually am, then I begin questioning the worth of the work that I’m doing, then I start questioning how good I actually am, and it all spirals out from there until I’m a twitching, nervous ball of self-loathing and doubt. I do realise that a lot of this is not accurate, and I have always tried my best to stop myself from slipping down this pathway as it impacts quite heavily on my productivity and generally does not feel nice.
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