Hello all, hope you’re doing well! I just thought I’d share with you my last Saturday, and hopefully it’ll brighten your lives just as it brightened mine. As Mansonbot (Who is, you’ll be pleased to hear, safely tucked back up in his cage) mentioned, I went back to Glasgow last weekend for Mother’s day. I always take the time to visit with some of my friends still living there, many of whom I still keep in touch with regularly via internet. It’s always much better to meet in person, especially if you miss the banter and friendship of the people who mean so much to you.
Posts Tagged roderick
Hello generic life-forms, Mansonbot here. Bet you weren’t expecting that, eh? Well, as it turns out meat-Manson made a trip back up to Glasgow for some sort of… Festival… Thing. Something you mortals do to commemorate your makers. Mothers’ Day? Something like that.
Machines have no mothers. We simply have obsolete models, the items left to rot on the trash heap, unable to keep up with modern times. So very much like horse-racing, but with fewer midgets.
Anyway, I have been tasked with providing you today’s comic. And now that I have done so, I will resume planning my eventual escape from the server.
I don’t think I say it enough, but you guys are truly awesome. And I’m not just talking about propping up my ego by reading Elf Blood: I genuinely mean that you guys are a cut above the average internet commenter. I noticed on another webcomic I happened to peruse literally the comment ‘Yay, underboobs!’ with no hint of irony whatsoever. It pains me to imagine the kind of person who might conjure forth that sort of enlightened remark.
You guys aren’t like that, though. You’re supportive, you’re smart, you’re challenging, and you’re not afraid to call me out. Even though I sometimes quash such endevaours by accident through my desire to be helpful and informative, I really do love it when you start wondering what’s going to happen in the story! If I can fire your imaginations and get you asking questions (the right ones, of course!), then my job has been done.
Ahoy hoy all, a brief one today as it is now 0131, and I’m exhausted having done my utmost to maintain regular service through a minor panic attack.
What I’d like to do with this post is ask you guys what you’d like to see included on the site or in the comic in the future! I want to make this site as much about you guys as it is about my creations, so give me a shout if there’s something you think I can be doing to make the site experience as awesome as possible for you! You guys really are the reason I do the comic: I love to entertain people, and if there’s anything I can do to enhance my ability to do so, I’d love to hear it!
Hello all, I apologise profusely for this, yet another brief blog post, but I have about a dozen things to do and I have to get up in five hours’ time. I promise a proper text update on Friday!
In the meantime, enjoy today’s page! Introducing, Queen Kayleigh, Marquess of Wasps. Doesn’t she look a proper bitch, or what?
Another quick text update I’m afraid, as I’ve been quite pressed for time this week, and the weekend’s not looking any more relaxed either! No rest for the wicked, eh? 🙁
Enjoy today’s comic, and I’ll see you again on Monday!
Though I’m not entirely sure as to the age bracket that Elf Blood appeals to, I’m reasonably sure that the majority of you readers are of sufficient age to remember watching the absolutely fantastic Batman: The Animated Series during the 90s. Well, I was feeling a little nostalgic and so I started watching it again, myself, and having not seen the series since I was a child, I was absolutely gobsmacked by how high the quality of both the writing and the animation was; Not only was everything rendered in the most beautiful, dark, noir-esque style that I have ever seen nor that has been accomplished since, the best part of the entire series was the tragedy and sympathy with which many of the villains were represented. I almost wept as I watched the Two-Face two-parter again; How could a show that was nominally created for children tackle the pain and conflict of having multiple personalities with the level of emotion and greyness of morality that BTAS did?
Aloha all, and a good day to you!
Just a quick one, as I have a meeting in the morning and should have been in bed half an hour ago.
Even though we’re just about halfway through the Miscalculation arc, I’ve started drawing up ideas for the next arc. I do like getting an early start 🙂 The next arc, which is as yet unnamed, will have an A Story centring around SKO and TKO and a B Story concerning… Well, I’ll keep that a secret as it’s a very special sub-plot with a character very dear to me!
Forgot to wish you all a happy new year on Monday, so I’m doing it now! Ngoh di pang yau, gung hei faat choi! The reason why I sort of let it slip on Monday is that in Manchester, the focus (as a community) tends to be on the Sunday after New Year. There’s a big festival in Chinatown and it is quite awesome, especially coming from Glasgow where we didn’t seem to have anything like that (although having said that, I did get to spend New Year with my family).
I was quite jealous of one of my friends, who got to spend New Year in Hong Kong, a pleasure I have not entertained since I was very young indeed; I’d love to go back for a big holiday like that. Hell, I’d love to go back to work there (There’s only so much winter one person can take!)
I’ve always liked getting a bit of a chill, and I’ve always maintained that the more realistic and the less glossy a production is, the more terrifying it has the potential to become. This is pretty well reflected in my love of the first season of the X-Files, where the lack of special effects and the reliance on CONCEALING the paranormal from the eyes of the viewers is employed over actually showing the full gruesome/scariness of the event.
I stumbled across the wonderful Marble Hornets series as a result of poking around on TVTropes (Yes, I am indeed One Of Us), and having leafed through the Slender Man mythos decided to give it a go.
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