Today, my friends, I wish Ireland all the best in the referendum on enshrining same-sex marriages within law. I’m sure as readers who’ve been with the comic for a few years know, I’m a keen supporter of equal rights for sexual orientation (among many other things) – everyone should be free to pursue love and happiness! While I believe a vote in this instance isn’t necessarily the best way to go about achieving this goal, I really hope that when the counts are in, Ireland will have shown itself to truly be a forward-thinking, modern society that puts the happiness and wellbeing of its citizens above all else. Fingers crossed!
Posts Tagged referendum
Well chums, today’s the day.
By the time you read this, two important things will have happened.
1 – The webhost will have upgraded the MySQL server successfully, and without incident. Big sigh of relief there!
2 – We’ll know if Scotland has won its independence.
I may post something up later, when I’m awake and I see the news. I may not. You all know my stance on this, and you’ve seen arguments put up for the other side by my good pal Red9.
Whatever way this falls, whatever happens – We’ve lit a fire under Scotland, politically. People have been engaged and passionate about this unlike anything I’ve seen in my own voting career. We need to keep this passion and interest up.
Now, I’m not sure how much the major news item in the UK seeps out into the world at large, but in a few weeks’ time one of the most important days in our political history will come to pass. It is the referendum on independence for Scotland, wherein the Scottish people choose whether or not to remain as a constituent part of the United Kingdom, or to strike out on its own as an autonomous nation for the first time in three centuries.
You’ll probably see me mentioning this a few times in the run-up; I’m a Yes voter, convinced of the opportunities offered by seceding from the union. However, in this post, I want to address an overarching topic before going on later to my arguments as to voting Yes.
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