Morning all!
Thought I’d re-do my blog-post, as I really don’t like just leaving you guys with a ‘blarg, I’m tired, here, have a comic’ post. You deserve better than that!
Frankly, I’m amazed I managed to get most of the post options right when I scheduled this page last night. I’ve been really tired all this week, and I’m not sure why. Probably just need to get more rest, really!
Anyhoo, this week during whatever downtime I’ve been able to get I’ve mostly been playing games that don’t involve a huge amount of button-mashing, as much of this downtime comes while I’m having dinner. I’ve mostly been focussed on two ‘games’: First up, Analogue: A Hate Story, which is a visual novel that has a good old-fashioned oriental royal family intrigue at its heart, by indie writer Christine Love. It’s a pretty interesting concept. Rather than the usual VN route of your character interacting with a load of characters, it takes the form of you exploring the logs of a derelict spacecraft, delving into the mystery of what happened on the ship, and piecing together from fragments of journals and inter-personal communications a fuller picture of what happened. It’s very well-presented, with a minimalist interface that gives it a shiny Appleish aesthetic, and an interesting mix of GUI interaction vs. Command Line interaction that appeals to me as a computer nerd and one-time hacker wannabe. read more
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