Well, it’s the end of the month (and what a tough month it’s been), and since it’s payday, I thought I’d treat myself to a couple of new games. I thought I’d share my opinions of them with you (partially because I lack anything actually meaningful to say, having had my brain frazzled from work over the past month)
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Let me get one thing straight: REAL MEN PLAY ANIMAL CROSSING. Ahem. Yes, I do enjoy playing Animal Crossing, and I’m pleased to say that New Leaf takes the classic Animal Crossing gameplay and gives it a little leg-up. You have mayoral duties now, which gives you a little more control over the course that the town takes, but also some goals to aim for beyond ‘save up for larger house’. Many of the same characters have been carried over from the last DS outing, Wild World, so there’s a soothing sense of familiarity. It’s a game of no real consequence, but that’s what I love so much about it. There’s no pressure, there’s always something fun to do, and the overall feeling from the game is peaceable and calming (if a touch saccharine). Perfect for de-stressing! read more
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