This page was actually quite difficult to do: Not so much because of the content, but because I had to scrutinize every single detail of the art to make sure I was giving the moment the right amount of gravity. One off-model character, one goofy expression, one inappropriate sound effect, and the scene transforms from a traumatic explosion of aggression to a narm-tastic trivialisation of a threat faced by far too many.
It was particularly difficult to get the characters’ expressions right. the most-straightforward was probably Shanna in panel 6, mostly because her face is mostly covered by her hand and her eye just needed to be wide-open in shock. Fliss’ expression in panel 5 was by and far the most difficult one I’ve ever had to compose. The face is a hugely versatile and complex social tool, and even the subtlest modification in the positioning of any of those features can completely change the emotion that we’re representing. In this panel, I wanted to show not just shock, but also physical pain, sadness, fear and betrayal. I can’t tell you how many revisions I made to the pencils on that panel, because nothing I was drawing seemed to do the trick. Eventually, I had to give up and move on to complete the rest of the page before coming back to it and experimenting more until I finally found the combination I felt conveyed how Fliss felt following this unprovoked assault. read more
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