I’m on holiday! My Sunset drive-In settlement in Fallout 4 is now a BUSTLING town! Tomorrow – time to clean the house, really looking forward to it, believe it or not!
I’m on holiday! My Sunset drive-In settlement in Fallout 4 is now a BUSTLING town! Tomorrow – time to clean the house, really looking forward to it, believe it or not!
Welp, it’s been nice to have a few days off work, and as always, feels like I could do with a few more! How much of my original plan did I manage to get accomplished? Well, very little to tell you the truth, but I did manage to at least give it a good shot. My Mandarin’s advancing pleasantly, I’ve gotten 2/3 f my total commission complete, and I actually did manage to dig and plant a border in my garden! That was exhausting, though – kinda wishing the weather had been right earlier on in my holiday so I could elect to use one of my holiday days to recover from the effort!
Got a week off, woo! Was originally going to head up to Fort William, until somebody pointed out that it would be rammed with Easter holidaymakers. So I’ve decided to spend it at home, which is also nice!
On my list to get done this week:
Welp, it’s nearing the end of my holiday – what have I achieved that I set out to do?
– Tidy Up the House: Completed! Although another mini-tidy at the end of the week wouldn’t go amiss…
– Dye My Hair: Completed! Although I chickened out of bleaching it before applying the purple, so I’m just a very dark violet right now…
– Finish off my Ink Drawing: Completed! The ink wash came out really nicely, actually. I’ll need to get a good quality photo of it and share it with you guys.
Welp, that’s another birthday come and gone. Remember at the start of last week when I laid out all the plans I had to work on creative projects? Yeah, didn’t get any of that accomplished. As it turns out, when your birthday rolls around, people want to see you. Damn social life!
On the plus side, I am now in possession of a Wii U, which is inordinate amounts of fun. I particularly enjoyed one moment that occurred on Friday, when a pal was attempting a power-swing in Wii-U tennis, and wound up absolutely smacking my chandelier fixture. First time I’ve actually hosted people in my new house, and while I’ll be glad to get back into the normal routine, it was really nice to be sociable for a change!
Hullo everyone, and farewell for a bit! I’m on holiday effective from today, so for the next few uploads you’re going to get little one-off drawings and sneak-peeks at stuff I’ve been working on behind the scenes! Hope that tides you over until I get back!
Toodlepip for now, I have to go prepare all my holiday things and write responses to your comments and questions like I promised! Have a good week, people!
Hullo everyone! Just a quick post today, to bring you a little heads-up that I’ll be on holiday in a couple of weeks’ time. Normally I’d work extra hard to queue up some Elf Blood pages while I’m away, but I really need the time to work on pieces for submission.
Worry not, however! I’ll still put something up for the couple of days I’ll be away, but rather than full pages they’ll either be Extra pages or maybe even some sneak peeks at what I’m working on! I’m really looking forward to my holiday – I’ve never been to New York before, and it’ll be great to wander around and take it all in!
Hola everyone! Just a quick post today, as I’ve now got to go and print stuff off and do packing before getting a couple of hours of sleep – I’m nipping back down to Manchester for the weekend, to catch up with my ex-colleagues! Can’t believe it’s almost half a year, now, since I’ve been back in Glasgow. The novelty hasn’t worn off, yet 😀
This week’s been pretty hectic, and I think the art’s suffered a wee bit – I am, however, trying out the LazyNezumi plugin, which has really helped out with smoothing my lineart. As excellent as I’m finding the plugin, it doesn’t make up for lazy composition or disjointed storytelling! After this weekend, you’ll see an improvement, I promise you!
It’s a bank holiday today, huzzah! I might venture into town for a coffee, or a nice lunch. Wish payday came before the holiday weekend, though, still counting them pennies!
Anyway, I’m just going to keep it brief so as to wander off and not do those things, instead working on art 😛 But before I go, have a quick look-see at some warm-ups I’ve been doing for the upcoming Mei-Wu block! I think you’ll enjoy it, and it’ll provide a nice little break in-between this and the next arc of Elf Blood!
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