Ah, a day for nostalgia and reminiscing. Today is the day, my friends, that the very first domain I ever bought passes from my hands and back into the pool of available names.

I originally registered the site for a young enterprise project in high school, some eight years ago now (blimey, it’s been that long? I feel old now!). One of the best things I ever did, that project. We ran an entertainment company in school, organising concerts starring our fellow schoolmates performing at a damn fine standard (at one point, our school had a very high percentage of any one school represented in the RSAMD juniors programme). It was great, doing that; Although we were all musicians ourselves, there was just something enthralling about enabling the enjoyment of others. I loved the thrill of the setup, the anticipation of the audience to come, the stress and strain of the long hours and the just rewards reaped as a result. We started with nothing but goodwill; We exited with several hundred pounds profit each. Helped me buy my first gaming PC, it did! read more