Ah, those were some good birthday shenanigans. I highly recommend the Living Room on St. Vincent Street in Glasgow, for those of you in search of tasty cocktails and awesome atmosphere. Though it’s not required, I do advise dressing up a bit for the occasion: You’ll feel so much more suave and sophisticated. Try the Black Cherry and Vanilla Manhattan!

But anyway, to business, and today’s business concerns dreams. The word dream is very frequently used in day-to-day discussion; I dream of one day doing this, you dream of becoming a that, they have a dream of achieving something else. Somewhat related to my rant the other week about ideas and execution, I assert that dreams themselves are merely nascent goals. Life goals are dreams for which you have set out a reasonable, achievable plan to work towards. Perhaps they change throughout life, and having just turned 25 (mid-twenties, argh), I thought that maybe my goals might have changed. read more