Ah, thank goodness it’s the weekend. It’s been a week of late nights for me, and naps caught here and there to try and prop myself up, so I’m looking forward to a bit of unwinding this weekend. Time to dye my hair again (thinking either blue, turquoise or my usual purple but suggestions will be noted!), make a nice proper meal for myself, the new X-Com game is out, the Mechromancer class was released early for Borderlands 2, I’m back into the swing of things with Lemon Candies… Oh, and I need to make a trip to PC World to pick up an external hard drive caddy which I think will be a Saturday morning thing. Y’know, make the most of the day.
Posts Tagged dreamland
The other day, I noticed something in my Facebook feed that somewhat irritated me (yes, it’s going to be one of those posts but bear with me as it’s very important). A band, admittedly not one that I know but presumably somebody my friends know, had put out a call to their fans to produce a band logo.
What seems like a fun and lively way of engaging fans is, in reality, a rather more sinister symptom of a deeper problem permeating society. That is, that graphic design is SEVERELY underrated and undervalued. ‘Competitions’ like this are just the tip of the problem. It starts with people being offered band merch, which is already in stock and may be difficult to shift anyway. And the band can theoretically get dozens, hundreds of designs in for review before deciding on one, ONE, entrant to win. What they have done is to have absorbed many work hours from the lives of these people (whether or not they expect to earn money from their illustrations immaterial at this stage) and have expended a comparatively TINY amount of their own resource.
Just a brief one today, but something I’ve been musing on. I’ve been playing Picross on my 3DS since just before I went to Cyprus, and by Great Mara is it addictive! For those of you not in the know, Picross is a puzzle game that’s essentially a graphical crossword; You’re presented with a grid, and given the number and size of filled pixel clusters on each row and colum. It’s an interesting challenge, and makes for some excellent logical thinking opportunities. I freakin’ love it!
This week, I have a new obsession! RUGS!
Don’t ask me why because I’m not quite sure, but I really want a nice rug for the flat. I think it came from friends staying over at the weekend, and the deflated air mattress one of them used lay in quite a nice manner such as to suggest an apt placement for a rug. That, and winter’s coming, so it might be nice to have a bit of carpeting in (though in general I quite like wood flooring). I do also love to walk over different surfaces (woven matting being one of my favourites by far), so having a rug would offer a nice alternate texture. Hey, I might even just get a woven mat for under the computer chair! I’M DEVELOPING A RUG ADDICTION!
One thing that I’ve noticed and have been noticing recently is that, frequently, intelligence and/or creative talent may be accompanied by neurosis. This is by no means an exhaustive, statistically ratified study: More from observation of myself, my friends and my family.
Often, said observed person will suffer from near-constant self-doubt and lowered self-esteem, despite the intense effort and good quality of work they produce. It’s arguable that this inability to recognise one’s own success (not quite perfectionism, but often mistaken for such) is what drives such people towards making improvements in their skills and abilities. Unfortunately, as useful as this sounds it does mean that no matter how much success you have you can never really take joy in it. It’s a horrible state of affairs to be in, and no amount of conscious, rational thought can ever really override the internal feeling of self-hatred and fill that gaping hole of confidence.
Well, as Kracka requested and as I promised, I had a root around my hard drive and found some stuff from days of yore, before I started doing Elf Blood. I’ve spared you some absolute horrors, but what I did wasn’t exactly brilliant before getting in the practice from doing Elf Blood. So, y’know, go easy on it 😛
Go on, have a gander, you know you want to!
Did I fool you puny humans? Did I? Did I?
You honestly thought that Flesh Manson could write such eloquent blog posts? No, it was all my work! MY WORK!
Truly a victory for scheduling bots everywhere. Oh, you want to know where Flesh Manson was? He’s been at some form of human social event over the last week. You know, SELECT * FROM person1 UNION SELECT * FROM person2. I think he called it a ‘weeding’. I don’t understand, what does the joining of two human units into a singular familial unit have to do with errant plant growth?
Now, I’m sure many of you are wondering what direction I’m going to take this in, or even what the hell I’m doing putting this storyline in, in the middle of SKO’s quest to avenge the murders of Charlie-3.
The B-Story is not only a method by which we can extend primary plots (although Dreamland needed very little stretching if I’m honest), it gives us breathers, refreshes our interest in the story as a whole, and more importantly, lets us explore the lives and personalities of characters tangential or unrelated to the main story. Character development, in other words.
Although I’ve been really busy during the last week, I’ve found that I’m actually getting more rest, ironically because I’m getting LESS sleep during the evenings. The result is that I’m actually tired enough to take a nap on the bus home from work which, thanks to the schools being back and peoples’ schedules reverting to normal, can take up to an hour. So I actually get a good proper chance to catch some sleep which actually makes me feel a lot better later on in the day. And if I get a decent amount of rest, I find that I’m less worried about life in general, I’m not as depressed about love or art or money, and I’m far more productive in the evenings.
Allo all! Despite my incredible busy-ness in the last week or so (which has seen MB!! Magazine lying, unupdated) I have managed to find a little bit of time to get some gaming in with my mates. They’ve finally convinced me to come back to DayZ, after I left it a few months ago due to some complete asshattery on the parts of some other survivors.
I must say, the game is still quite tense, and with the addition of axes as melee weapons, exploring through zombie-infested country is a lot easier. I’ve not yet encountered any other survivors, but every moment is a tense waiting game; You just never know when that bullet is coming for you. Fortunately, I’ve JUST acquired a new long rifle, and we’re now travelling in a pack so I feel a little bit safer in-game, now.
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