Let us delve into the realms of future imagination for today’s post!
As I put the finishing touches on today’s page, I also completed watching the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode ‘The Chase’. In this episode, Picard’s old archaeology teacher shows up with a mysterios artifact in tow. Picard must race against other interested parties to unravel the secrets of an ancient, long-gone race.
Now, I don’t think it comes up very often in this little bloggy bit, but I am a HUGE alien nut. Have been since I was a little kid. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, and if you’re going to tell me you’ve had an encounter, I’m going to demand scads of evidence. But, by and large, I do believe in the existence of extraterrestrial beings. Over the years, my interest in all things alien has transmuted itself from simple interest in the chill of close encounters to the more sophic pursuit of cultures other than our own. To this end, I find a lot of joy in many science-fiction works. As much as Prometheus has its flaws, I got incredibly excited over the idea of ancient alien ruins, and must admit to sharing some of the characters’ wonder as they tried to figure out what purpose the facility served. Even in the Star Trek episode, which did not get into ancient alien architecture, was fascinating. The idea that some advanced race may have had a hand in not only our species’ development but that of countless others in the local area (cosmically speaking) is nothing short of exhilarating, if a little frightening.
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