Hey everyone! Hope you’re all doing fine. Again, not a huge amount going on this week – took the opportunity last night, though, to go to a hockey match at the local arena. Good fun, as always! Braehead Clan (local team) vs Manitoba U Bisons (Visitors) – the sheer difference in the European and Canadian game styles is straight-up shocking, though! Although I don’t know how much of that is down to an apparently fairly new and untested roster on the Clan’s part.

Total props to the goalie Russel, however – Dude caught as many pucks as he blocked. A shame that the offense never really got it together though, they just could not punch through the scraps at the Bisons’ goal line. And so the result was a 1-5 horsing, but there’s no shame in losing to a team who’s playing well! Looking forward to seeing the Braehead Clan in a more competitive context. read more