Bon anniversaire! Elf Blood was four years old, a few days ago!

Blimey, four years already. Hard to believe that it’s been a while since I was first scribbling stuff down in the common room at uni, instead of doing coursework! Which would… Which would explain rather a lot, actually.

I jest 😛 My artwork and my storytelling ability has advanced in leaps and bounds since then, and even as I look back on last year’s stories, I continue to improve on my theory and practice! Even though, on this year’s birthday, we’re telling a different story, I’m hard at work on the script for the next block of Elf Blood. I’m having a great time with Mei Wu, and it’s REALLY good to get a bit of a break from writing and drawing Elf Blood, but I’m itching to get back to it now, and to expanding its canon a bit! However, I am floating plans to separate each Elf Blood arc with the next book of Mei Wu, as it seems to have been reasonably well-received. I’ll probably ask about that again at the conclusion of this book, though! read more