The Dear Green Place
Well, it’s been a lovely couple of weeks back up in Glasgow, but sadly all good things must come to an end, eh?
I know I’ve definitely mentioned it before, but for some reason this year I’ve been missing Glasgow a whole lot more than usual. I love the place; Sure, it may be a little wetter than the rest of the world, occasionally a little colder, but the friendliness of the people just warms you right up. It’s such a pretty city; Anywhere you go, look up and you can see such elegant and beautiful architecture, and the streets are so open and airy. On Buchanan Street, if you take out your earphones and just listen to the people as they go past, you’ll hear the murmur of a thousand different conversations, never vying for volume or harsh in tone. Head down towards George Square, down to the Merchant City, and you can understand why such an ancient city is still suited for modern life; Trendy bars, fantastic restaurants, classy shopping contribute to Glasgow’s recent Bohemian atmosphere. Hop on the underground and head over to the West End, where we show how important science and culture are to us Glaswegians. The Botanic Gardens are a delight to behold in any season and any weather, and when the rain gets too much for you take a trip to Kelvingrove. The Kelvingrove was one of the most important places I was ever taken to as a child, and one of my favourite places to go still. It preserves art and natural history for us, and actively pushes to make learning engaging and interesting for all.
I know this is just me waxing lyrical about Glasgow, but I mean every word of it. I know most of you are from outside the UK, but if you’re looking for a holiday that captures it all then I cannot recommend a better place to do so than in Glasgow. You have the aforementioned city attractions, but it’s also a fantastic base to explore the beauty of Scotland from. Loch Lomond in particular is very nice during the summer, if you can bear the midges!
Anyway, I should get back to work. One day, I think I’ll make my way back up there. If only I could bring my workplace and colleagues up to Glasgow!
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