Still under lockdown!
Hey folks! Well, we’re still under lockdown I guess. How’s it going for you? Looking forward to my trip to the grocery store later today, which I guess is a new low for me personally 😛
Not a huge amount of news, really, given the circumstances. I just hope you’re all doing okay, staying safe and healthy, and your families are too. And if you’re out there, working to keep the country healthy and stocked under the gun, you’re friggin awesome – everyone owes you a huge debt of gratitude.
Welp, until next time, folks! Wash your hands! Stay two metres away from everyone else! And keep your spirits up!
Oh dear. There is nothing good you can say about him…but.
“uh, we got off to a bad start and all that. But, uh. This is awkward and I forsee having to work through a LOT of issues. But you uh, how do I say this. You are exactly the kind of wi…uh woman. I’ve been looking for, are you free next Thursday? It’s my day off and let’s just let what has happened lately slid. Until we can talk. PLEASE?”
(snicker) yeah right.