Posts of no consequence – Culinary edition!
Well, another fairly uneventful weekend has come and gone (entirely too quickly) but I did indulge in a little culinary awesomeness, which was most tasty!
Saturday’s serving was copied from an episode of Man v Food I once saw. Not one of the challenges, obviously – I hath not the material resources to tackle such mighty tasks. No, I made an attempt at a ‘Jucy Lucy’, a burger with a core of molten cheese. After much consideration, I went with 100% beef patties (home-made, of course), stuffed with grated Emmental (Swiss) and served on a bun with lettuce and sliced tomato, topped with sliced Canadian cheddar. Overall result: Friggin tasty. I do believe I could’ve made the burgers themselves larger and thinner, to contain more of the cheese filling, and it would’ve been even better. Also, I could’ve done a better job of re-sealing the two halves of the patty; Where the cheese seeps out, it becomes toasted rather than molten, which does give it a whole different flavour and texture. Definitely something I’ll try again!
Sunday’s offering was a breakfast dish – since I was up early, I decided to make Eggs Benedict. Rich, yes, but intensely delicious! A good breakfast like that really does set you up for the entire day. I did concede to use jarred Hollandaise sauce, as I don’t trust my ability to craft my own. I think if one were to make completely home-made Eggs Benedict, it would be advisable to prepare the sauce the evening before. I did accidentally leave my eggs poaching for a minute or two longer than normal, but I can safely say that I thoroughly enjoyed it; The yolk was not runny, but only JUST so; it was still delightfully soft! One thing that I’ll be trying in the future is the addition of a few capers, just to add a little extra tang to the dish. I also highly recommend serving the Eggs Benedict with mustard – French/Dijon is probably best, but English mustard is very nice too!
So, all in all, quite a delicious weekend! I’ve got a long weekend coming up – any suggestions as to what I should cook then?
Oh, and before I forget, I’m still accepting Elf Blood fanart up until the end of May, to help me out while I move at the end of June! If you’ve got something you’d like to send, please email me at with your artwork attached! In return, I’ll do a pencil sketch of any Elf Blood character you’d like, sign it and send it to you, and if you’ve got a site you’d like me to direct people to, I’ll talk that up in the day’s blog post!
Ciao for now, everyone!
Look, more of them! That should make it easier for you to hit someone!
Mmm… Well I’m a sucker for the underdog so I’ll bet 5 US dollars on the two henchmen.