As I’m not massively busy over the Christmas/New Year period, I thought I’d catch up on some other scripting work I should be getting on with. One of these tasks involves writing a long-overdue synopsis for the first comic script I’m seriously considering posting to publishers.
Writing synopses is HARD! I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but I’ll say it again; Boiling down your story to its bare essence, while still rendering it with the flair and flavour required to attract readers, is a skill unto itself. Although I suppose if I’m intent on becoming a writer, ’tisĀ a skill I’ll have to master!
Anyways, I’m gonna go and try to get this sorted. Hope you’re all geared up for New Year!
Cheerio the noo!
It’s the same with writing abstracts… I’ve had to write the same summary story in under 500 words about a dozen different times… each in a different way, but each to be enticing enough to be accepted for a conference…