Aloha y’all, only a week of work left then it’s art art art for three weeks 😀 What are you looking forward to most about Christmas?

In other issues, I’m aware that the current chapter of Miscalculation has been trundling along, a little slowly. But fear not! The next three sections are action-packed and filled with wonder and ass-kickings galore! It was just necessary to do a bit of setup for some of the plot points. I say a bit of setup, there has been a considerable amount of setup and foreshadowing throughout this chapter and previous story arcs for not just the Miscalculation story arc, but the following ones also 😀 So stay tuned! And don’t fear: Elf Blood will continue over the Christmas period, for maximum awesomeness! Plus, a lovely Christmas treat for you to unwrap on Christmas day. Aren’t I nice? 😛

Anyways, I suppose I should be getting to bed, work and all that. Hope you enjoyed today’s page! And I’ll see you on Friday!
