Of Scotland
First off, I want to offer my condolences to those who have lost loved ones, and those who have been injured in Friday’s Clutha Vaults crash in Glasgow. I’d also like to offer my gratefulness to those who showed their courage and heart by helping in the rescue of those trapped in the pub. It’s a shock and a tragedy, to be sure; I don’t think anything quite like this has ever happened in Glasgwegian history. Certainly, not so far as I can remember. I wish all those affected a speedy recovery, and hope that we’ll never see anything like this again.
Now, from sombre sincerity, to enraged passion. I’m not a massively political person, but I do monitor what’s going on from time-to-time; Vigilance be my watchword and all. One of the things that I’m passionate about is the campaign for Scottish independence. I’ve never really thought of myself as ‘British’. When asked about my nationality, I would always respond ‘Scottish’, and probably later on add on my mixed-race caveat.
Please, please, please understand that my desire for independence is not some deep-seated hatred of Britain. I think that, historically, Britain has done some incredible things. It has much to be proud of. What I find less and less appealing each year is the increasingly London-centric attitude of Westminster and the media, and the sheer condescension that is inflicted upon our proud nation at every turn. Indeed, said condescension only seems to have WORSENED since the campaign for independence has ramped up. They say that we receive too much tax. They say that we’ll never survive on our own. They’ll say that nobody will want to trade with us, that we’ll be swamped with immigrants, that we’ll come crawling back on our hands and knees to the Union who will look down and whisper ‘no’.
Want an example of this condescension? Here, take a look at this:
There’s one question in there that really bothers me – “What don’t you like about the English?” Well, Madeley you grandstanding buffoon, thou idol of the slow-witted, ignoring for the moment the fact that the Union consists of MORE than just Scotland and England (Hey there Northern Ireland, Wales, ‘sup?), said question is irrelevant and offensive. The desire for independence is no more related to any dislike of the English than the search for superstrings is to the desire to destroy reality and start again. What independence is about is the ability to once again feel in control of our nation, to understand that (naive statement approaching) our politicians are just that much more likely to implement policies more in-line with our way of thinking, our needs and desires. Likening our quest for independence to simple racism is both cheapening and insulting. Madeley has either confused the SNP for the BNP, or has confused Scots disliking the English for people disliking him.
I’m not saying buy into everything that the Yes campaign says, by any shot. Do your own research, find out the facts, make your own decisions. While I agree with the Yes campaign for the most part, I have the same doubts and fears as perhaps the Better Together campaign has. But I feel more inclined to believe Yes’s flavour of spin than Better Together’s porridge of lies, fear, and misinformation. If you’re going to listen to anyone from the BT campaign, though, I heartily recommend Annabelle Goldie. I’ve known her since I was in high school (not personally, but at a community level), and she is by and far one of the most well-reasoned, even-keeled Conservative MPs I’ve ever heard speak. Some might disagree, but certainly in the most recent Question Time broadcast she came across as being very worthwhile to listen to. Conversely, on the Yes side, do give Nicola Sturgeon your time; I was also very pleased to discover Green MP Patrick Harvie, present on Question Time, was an eloquent and convincing speaker. Even better, while he showed solidarity with the Yes campaign, he also made it quite clear that the Green party was its own entity and not in the pocket of the SNP.
Anyway, I suppose I’ve ranted enough, but this is an important issue; to me, and to many Scots. It pains me that I will not be permitted a vote, a chance to change history, merely because I currently live outside my homeland. So I’ll settle for trying to spread the word for now.
And that word is Yes.
I also don’t get a vote – but as someone with no current plans to move to a different city or country I expect to remain in England (normally I’d simply say the UK, but this topic calls for the distinction). However the decision does affect me, and every other person in the (current) UK for social and economic reasons. I wonder what will happen with defence. I wonder what will happen with industry. I wonder what will happen with a “blueprint for an independent Scotland” that presumably makes some considerable assumptions about both newly separated countries would act and allow of each other.
Frankly I’m afraid of the rise of “nationalism” because every I can think of where a group starts demarking people by e.g. where they are born ends badly. I think the way for humanity to progress long-term is a destruction of the border and country ideas, and that this is a step backwards. I think that devolution of the UK is an easy short-term political answer to problems that doesn’t really solve anything long-term. I think that it’s a way to make “it” someone else’s problem, rather than to deal with “it”. I will not blame people if they vote for an independent Scotland, for I can see the appeal from the perspective of those in Scotland – but I hope that it doesn’t happen.
the first thing i thought is she’s about to sprout a tail but she’s wearing pants so that might be a bit painful…