Lunch Money!
I’ve rewritten the blog post for today, as… Well, if you scroll down to the bottom you’ll see for yourself. It”s quite terrifying how badly microsleeps affect your brain’s language centre. Seriously, it reads like I’ve been zombified or something.
Anyhoo, yes, the phrase ‘Lunch Money, Bitch!”; I’m not sure if anyone else is quite as on-board with it as I am, but I love it so much that I’ve started using it as test data when I’m programming! If you’re absolutely confused about what I’m talking about, then this should refresh your memory! It’s a nice, silly, punchy little phrase that I think neatly summarises all the years Carlita’s been bullied by Shanna, and the resultant joy in getting a little revenge on her. That Ixnay uses it against Kayleigh isn’t really all that significant; It’s just me shoehorning the phrase in, really.
If I’m perfectly honest with you, the internal logic of this story is beginning to unravel just a little bit. I’m trying my best to salvage it, but this is pretty much a good illustration of why you should actually script things out beforehand; I write the page-by-page plots well in advance, but I usually write the scripts for each page on the day that I draw them. Nominally, this should allow me to respond quickly to suggestions and whatnot. In reality, this just leads to a bit of unnecessary elasticity in the pacing of the plot.
Fortunately, the new approach I’m taking to the next story arc, Dreamland, is already having positive effects. While it’s not yet complete, I’ve been able to identify flaws in the internal logic of the plot already and can iron them out before they have a deleterious effect on the readers’ enjoyment. I think for the past year, I’ve been focussed a lot on improving my artwork, since my writing’s been reasonably passable. Now it’s time for me to focus on improving the writing and bringing that right up to scratch.
Constant improvement folks; It’s the way forward!
Right, back to work for me. I have parsers to design! Catch you all again on Monday!
Ah, lunch money. A phrase I love so much that I’ve started using it in my programs as a test value for text fields in my programming. And I’m probably the only person there who understands the reference in the office, which helps to brighten my day.
The new method of writing the plot for Elf Blood more similarly to the way in which I deal with my print comics has yielded excellent results already. It’s always much les easy the flaws in your logic by yourself, then have the fans pick it ouut for you! It’s great to be able to work and rework plots; it’s all about quality and satisfaction for both me and you!
Anyway, nodding off here which tells me it’s bedtime. Catc you all later!
It’s almost too bad that the speech making doofus has no idea what those words mean…
Ok… Nice last words and all, but… WHAT?
Is our dragonfly princess going to shove that stinger up the wasp’s behind or something?
best last words ever!!
though in this case i think they will be the last words that wasp will ever hear
monday cant get here fast enough!