I think my head is about to implode
Hullo everybody, I’m afraid today’s post will be relatively short, but unforunately my head is kind of trying to negotiate its way inside myself, so I should probably not be sat this late at night typing!
Today’s Dutch comes courtesy of a kind-hearted colleague, so hopefully it’ll avert my usual ham-fisted (but always well-meaning!) efforts with three different mechanical translators and Wikipedia 😛
I’ve managed to work up a buffer of artwork, which means that tomorrow is actually the first day I get to work on a piece of art for the Mei Wu mini-arc! I’m incredibly excited about doing this, for many reasons: It’s a chance to show you one of my other story universes, a chance for me to produce something for print, and just a nice bit of a change of pace for everyone, really!
Plus, now that I’ve had a bit of time to refresh my brain by writing the Mei Wu script, I’ve got plenty of drive to write the next Elf Blood arc script. It’s going to be a fun one, with plenty of asskicking action and a few old friends to boot!
Right, painkillers and bed, I suspect, and I’ll see you all again on Friday!
P.S. Don’t forget we’ve got an IRC channel now! #elfblood on slashnet, I’m trying to idle in there as much as I can, so pop in and say hi if you can!
If you can still change the text I might be able to help. 😉
If she’s supposed to say “Rudy! Rudy, where are you? We need to go now!”, the translation would be something like “Rudy! Rudy, waar zit je? We moeten nu weg!”. There are more ways to translate the sentence, but this should be ok.
Bedankt! One of these days, I’m going to include a snippet of a language foreign to me that’s actually going to be correct 😛
This is fairly butchered Dutch. It might be (close to) correct for Afrikaans, but I’m no expert at that.
Taking what’s there and fixing it up for grammar gives “Waar ben je gebleven? We moeten nu gaan!” though the first part makes her sound a little hysterical. Danny’s version much less so. Both versions of the second part convey plenty urgency.
As it turns out, the person I got the translation from did actually grow up in South Africa, so Afrikaans sounds about right! Unfortunately, that’s not what I was going for, and so my chain of poorly-executed-but-always-well-intentioned translations remains pretty much unbroken 😛 I swear, one day I’ll get it right!
alternatively: “Oi! Shag ur a$$, we’re buggin this joint!” for a nice melange of meanings.