Ah, a day for nostalgia and reminiscing. Today is the day, my friends, that the very first domain I ever bought passes from my hands and back into the pool of available names.

I originally registered the site for a young enterprise project in high school, some eight years ago now (blimey, it’s been that long? I feel old now!). One of the best things I ever did, that project. We ran an entertainment company in school, organising concerts starring our fellow schoolmates performing at a damn fine standard (at one point, our school had a very high percentage of any one school represented in the RSAMD juniors programme). It was great, doing that; Although we were all musicians ourselves, there was just something enthralling about enabling the enjoyment of others. I loved the thrill of the setup, the anticipation of the audience to come, the stress and strain of the long hours and the just rewards reaped as a result. We started with nothing but goodwill; We exited with several hundred pounds profit each. Helped me buy my first gaming PC, it did!

Those really were good times, and though high school in general was perhaps not the best experience in my life, working with my team in Young Enterprise is a memory I’ll cherish forever. Sometimes I wish I were still doing that sort of thing, even recreationally. Sadly, I’ve only got 24 hours in every day, and I’d much rather tell stories!

It’s time to let go of the site, though; I hadn’t done anything with it in years, and it was basically draining about £25 per year, effectively. What price can you put on sentimentality? I must admit, I’m prone to feeling nostalgic for the past, but even I have my limits. Now is the right time to let go of the site, and though the physical presence will disappear back into the ether from which it was formed, the memory of the success and camaraderie will remain.

Let’s hope I never have to do the same thing to elfblood.com, though 😛
