Happy New Year!
Ahh, back to work in a few days. Just as well I really enjoy my dayjob! One day I’ll be writing for a living, though, and I can do programming and other techie stuff as a hobby. It ain’t a dream, people; It’s a goal 😀
I do enjoy holidays, especially when you’ve prepared stuff in advance so that you can actually afford to relax. I’ve had a great time, and I feel totally refreshed and ready for work again! So let’s get this year off to an awesome start! Rock on, peeps!
That looked painful, but as tough as these guys (generic use of guys there) are, I don’t think it put her all the way down. I finally followed up on your comment 2 comics back, I was out for the holiday. Hey, how many comics do you do anyway? I see a few on the sidebar here. Are they all yours?
Hope you had a good holiday 😀 I only regularly publish this one; I used to do more, but there was no way to consistently output such a large volume of work with my limited schedule. The sidebar comics are just adverts (I don’t even make enough money to cover server costs, but it does put a bit towards my own advertising).
I do, however, work on multiple projects at any given time; There’s Elf Blood, which you all know and hopefully love, I’m still working on Lemon Candies, my graphic novel, which is on hold while I work on the second book in my Memecasters series (it’s shorter and easier to produce than Lemon Candies, hence the prioritisation). In addition, this year I will be working on a new property for submission to publishing companies, an ongoing or limited series of standalone stories covering a pair of operatives whose job it is to locate, assess and recruit people with nascent magical abilities to their organisation. This will be script-only. And, if I have any time left, there’s another project that I might be working on which will be 18+ only I’m afraid!
So, to answer your question, ‘lots’ 😛 One day I’ll actually get round to setting up Google Checkout so you guys have the opportunity to read my print work. More pressing matters at the moment, with finagling going on with the flat lease renewal, so progress on everything is liable to be a bit slow!
Anyway, rambling over 😛