Bon anniversaire! Elf Blood was four years old, a few days ago!

Blimey, four years already. Hard to believe that it’s been a while since I was first scribbling stuff down in the common room at uni, instead of doing coursework! Which would… Which would explain rather a lot, actually.

I jest 😛 My artwork and my storytelling ability has advanced in leaps and bounds since then, and even as I look back on last year’s stories, I continue to improve on my theory and practice! Even though, on this year’s birthday, we’re telling a different story, I’m hard at work on the script for the next block of Elf Blood. I’m having a great time with Mei Wu, and it’s REALLY good to get a bit of a break from writing and drawing Elf Blood, but I’m itching to get back to it now, and to expanding its canon a bit! However, I am floating plans to separate each Elf Blood arc with the next book of Mei Wu, as it seems to have been reasonably well-received. I’ll probably ask about that again at the conclusion of this book, though!

Anyway, thanks to all of you guys for sticking with me for the last few years! I’m really glad to have such awesome readers, especially those of you who’ve been reading the comic for a while! And turbo-props to those of you who keep on losing the address of the comic, yet like it enough to hunt through the internet to get back on it 😛

Let’s make the 2014 season of Elf Blood even MORE awesome! PENCILS AWAY! Or… Other enthusiastic flying lingo. You get what I mean!

