Guten tag!
Guten tag, wie gehts mein freunds?
(German may or may not be authentic)
Had to pre-load this, as I’m making a quick trip to Germany on business. Should actually be heading back shortly in fact, but I do enjoy central Europe in the winter. Save for the flight delays.
Anyway, enjoy today’s strip, and I’ll see you on Friday with a more substantial update!
Auf wiedersehn,
Why did the air force abandon the base? (It also seems that they left alot of equipment behind as well)
Sorry for the delayed reply! Yes, it was probably in the process of being abandoned due to lack of funding, hence the dust covers over the boxes in the warehouse/hangar. It’s highly likely that there was a skeleton crew left behind to finish off the cleanup, who KM and KN probably murdered. Concealing the deaths by sending a spoof ‘mission complete’ message back to headquarters they’ve been carefully deflecting attention ever since by using the murdered employees’ credentials, or other carefully selected killings.
Silly me, I didn’t pick up in the last strip that she meant Mara…thanks for having Sko verbalise it!
I’m on a road trip right now myself, but I’m all caught up. Look forword to catching up!