Now, I’ve written about food before, and I’m sure that in my previous writing on the subject I’ve probably given the (very accurate) impression that I friggin love making and consuming tasty food. I’m fortunate enough to be blessed with friends and family who are of the same opinion and motive.
Last weekend, I made a little trip back up to Glasgow, and stopped in to cook dinner with a couple of friends as an alternative to a night out. One friend took it upon himself to make a timelapse video of us making the food, which turned out pretty awesomely and I might link to if the others give their permission to do so. While the camera was positioned fairly far away, we discussed it and came to the conclusion that it would be quite good to produce more timelapses of us preparing more meals.
What I’m interested in is knowing whether or not there’s an audience for that kind of thing? Kind of like a “Let’s Cook” video, almost. New recipes, of our own creation, maybe once a week alternating between one of two of us (as we’re geographically separated)? Would we have to specialise, or would a theme of ‘food in general’ suffice to draw in viewers?
Let me know what you think! And enjoy today’s comic in the meantime 😀
Yes, I only just try to use our true name to kill you once a few mouths ago but lets forget about that. Moving on I don’t watch cooking shows that much but some of the other may very well be interested in the idea.
Don’t forget that SKO tried to kill TKO close-up in the Truenamer arc as well! 😀 Originally, the Council was going to be a lot more antagonistic, which is why the early stories had them be more horrible. Even Mara was going to turn evil. However, the more I conceived future storylines, the less evil and more well-intentioned-but-harsh they became. Now they’re essentially another group of protagonists; I think the overall story’s better for it, since it allows us to explore the history of the elves from a more informed persepective.
No harm in trying out your idea…the oddest things get views on YouTube…
If you show me how to make good food you will be my hero. I love to cook! I can make a few dishes (pibil, Parmesan chicken, etc) but I want food that’s not just the same old, same old. Something from Glasgow would be awesome!
The interesting thing is, there’s plenty of gourmet cuisine around in Glasgow; Moreso than in Manchester. Yet still, the preconception of Glasgwegian food is that it’s all greasy, deep-fried and oversalted. Don’t get me wrong, I love a deep-fried haggis supper every now and then, but there’s some fantastic food in Glasgow, and some excellent spins on classic Scottish dishes! I’m still waiting for the Ubiquitous Chip to serve their Ayrshire Ham and Cabbage Terrine again. That was fantastic…